latestfleet 5.1.0
- FormsFinancial card information moved from Card folder to Fleet folder.
fleet 5.0.0
- GeneralNormalized script names
- InstallAdded Install script to migrate script names in workflows
- InstallDeprecated outdated function csi.fleet.ix.updateFolderContent and
replaced with csi.common.ix.functions.UpdateFolderContent - InstallAdded mandatory solution version check
- WorkflowChanged rights on user workflows to ‚R‘
fleet 4.13.0
Requires csi.database.exporter 2.8.0 or
- FormsAdded card invoicing data
- DynKwlAdded configs for card invoicing data
- ConfigurationAdded csv mapping config for DKV, EnBW and UTa
- DropzoneAdded dropzone panel for csv card invoice information
fleet 4.12.0
- ConfigurationChanged configuration file for csi.database.import
- DynKwlSwitched to CSI configuration app
latestfleet 4.11.7
- ELOAppsFixed dashboard not loading
fleet 4.11.6
- ELOAppsFixed library dependencies
- WorkflowFixed objects in chaos cabinet not being deleted finally
fleet 4.11.5
- GuideFixed internal documentation syntax
fleet 4.11.4
- Change syntax to allow the documentation creation for the scripts
fleet 4.11.3
- RightsFixed rights on the jc script for mask switching
fleet 4.11.2
- InstallationFixed an issue that prevented install scripts from being executed
fleet 4.11.1
- WorkflowFixed AddDynRoles function
fleet 4.11.0
- ACLAdded full rights to an additional mandator for each container
- FormsAdded power field to car data
- FormsAdded additional mandator fields to driver, cards and location containers
- FormsMoved the request if a user is in specific groups to an indexserver script
- ReferenceAdded references to the organizer configuration for additional
mandators - DynKwlCards/Drivers/Locations of both mandators are shown if multiple mandators
are used - MaskMade the fleet masks unswitchable
- FormsSet difference field to read-only in the mileage input
- FormsFixed odd behavior when cancelling confirmation windows due to promise
reworks - WorkflowRestructured the update workflows to avoid ACL failures
- UpdateUpdate workflows are now triggered through csi.common.forms.Utils
fleet 4.6.6
- DashboardFixed missing rights on dashboard client info
fleet 4.6.5
- FormsChanged synchronous IX-calls to asynchronous
- DynKwlRestricted available mandators to fleet according to the usedFor column
of masterdata - MileageAdded database upload after writing the new mileage
- WorkflowAdded tire change dates to the fleet update workflow
- WorkflowSplit the tirechange workflow into two seperate ones
- FormsAdded new tirechange form
- FormsAdded contract number to overview page
- ASRemoved obsolete AS rule
- ConfigAdded „mode“ parameter as „SET“ to ACL to now properly overwrite ACL
- FormsRemoved a validation field for mileage when returning the workflow to a
driver - FormsClear active driver on switch to a pool vehicle or a workshop vehicle
- WorkflowWrite access is no longer needed for Mileage and tirechange workflows
fleet 4.0.0 Requires a new license
Requires csi.common 6.29.0 or
Requires csi.monitoring 1.4.0 or
Requires csi.database.import 6.0.0 or
Requires update of masterdata
- DynKwlChanged dynKwls for fleet, driver, card and place to be usable in
combination with csi.common.applyDynKwl function - WorkflowAdded use of csi.common.applyDynKwl function inside the update
workflows to resolve the states from imports - ImportUpdated and added importer profiles for fleet, driver and cards
- ImportAdded workflows for the initial import of fleet, driver and cards
- DashboardAdded Dashboard integration
- DashboardAdded Dashboard profiles
- Fleet FileMade cards change their status from ‚Free‘ to ‚Active‘
automatically when assigned to a vehicle - FormsAdded mandator id field for database support
- MonitoringAdded monitoring configuration
- MonitoringMileage and driver license checks are performed by csi.monitoring now
- WorkflowAdded workflows for tirechange reminders and UVV check
- FormsAdded validation against negative inputs
- TemplatesRemoved deprecated folders in driver files
- MonitoringDisabled mileage and driver license rules due to monitoring
implementation - ConfigRemoved obsolete configurable mandators
fleet 3.0.7
- WorkflowAdded organizer data in every update workflow to enable updating on
imported containers - FormsAdded order date to the finance tab
- FormsAdded a field to determine the last service cost rate
- FormsFixed asynchronous car history lookup for driver form which affected the
GoTo buttons. Requires csi.common 6.25.1 - WorkflowFixed an error occuring during mileage submission
- ConfigDRIVER_UPDATE notification set to inactive as default
fleet 3.0.6
- DynKwlFixed the limit of 100 entries for dynkwl in Card, Place and Driver
lookups - InvoiceLinkFixed the newly created folder to ‚Fleet Subfolder‘
- FormsFixed invalid ACL on the GoTo function
fleet 3.0.4
- FormsMissing year when submitting mileage entries through the workflow
- WorkflowAdded timestamp of last mileage entry
fleet 3.0.2
- FormsLeasing contract end is now determined by the last entry to reflect
extension contracts in the overview
fleet 3.0.1
- FormsAllowed passing workflow to driver if no mileage has been given
fleet 3.0.0
- FunctionsChanged the function of obtaining the picture objid to the csi.commons
function SearchAndWriteObjId. Requires csi.common 6.18.6 - UpdatesChanged from direct rule to ServiceRegistry trigger for update workflows
- ACLACL is now set in organizer configuration
- ACLDynamic driver ACL is now added by „addDynRoles“-function inside the
workflow - WorkflowAdded new feed entry to changing drivers
- FormsReworked active drivers display
- FormsAdded active cars to driver folders forms
- WorkflowRemoved old referencing of fleet into driver folders
- FunctionsChanged how value updates are communicated from driver folder to fleet
folders - ConfigurationAdded notification configuration for driver changes
- WorkflowAdded workflow to notify a group when changes to driver’s active
vehicles occur - FormsAdded status field to cards
- ActionDefinitionsFixed wrong ACL on buttons
- WorkflowIf a driver is set to ‚archived‘ then their active fleet folders are
set to ’standby‘ – status - KwlOnly active drivers are now selectable in the fleet files
- FormsFixed date calculation not being consistent in some occasions
fleet 2.0.1
- FormsFixed rental car missing fields
fleet 2.0.0
- MaskUnified mask names
- MaskRemoved obsolete fields
- MaskAdded global fleet subfolder mask
- MaskAdded global fleet document mask
- MaskAdded field inheritence
- MaskSwitched old scripting with new mask restrictions
- FunctionAdded organizer move compatibility Requires
new license key due to bundle expansion - FunctionAdded organizer input and structure configs
- FunctionRemoved old move configuration
- WorkflowSplit the MoveByState function block into two separate blocks
- FormsAdded fleet owner fields for new cars
- FormsReworked mileage average calculations
- FormsReworked mileage forecast to reflect multiple leasing contracts
- FormsAdded rental car as use type
- FormsAdded additional rental car fields
- FormsAdded additional fields to leasing tab
fleet 1.0.6
- InstallReference the configured templates from the Business Solutions Custom as
part of the BS deployment if they exist - WorflowChanged the updateFolder workflow to use the template from Business
Solutions Custom
fleet 1.0.5
- MaskHide obsolete fields
- ConfigurationMigrated ClientInfos to the new name scheme.
fleet 1.0.4
- WorkflowContainers are being permanently deleted when cancelled on creation
fleet 1.0.3
- FormsFixed inconsistency for active driver labels and values
- FormsFixed deleting of the GoTo Label
- FormsFixed the manufacture field to a validated YYYY input instead of full date
fleet 1.0.2
- WorkflowsFixed wrong Update-Template script name in workflows
- FormsRemoved old Frame and stylesheet. Please update csi.commons to at least
6.2.3 for full support.
fleet 1.0.1
- SolutionAdded bundle support
fleet 1.0.0
- SolutionRefactored to CSI
- SolutionDefault mandator included in custom rollout
- SolutionDefault manager group included in rollout
- SolutionStandardized client infos
- ConfigurationAdded option to config to select to use masterdata dynkwl for
mandators - ConfigurationRemoved unused empty tabs
- FormsAdded proper views for purchase and finance values
- FormsCapsuled forms functions into respective controllers
- FormsRemoved FormWrapper usage for better handling
- FormsMinor fixes to displayed values
- FormsFixed non multi-mandator valid fields
- MasterMindAdded masterdata groups generation into configs
- MasterMindAdded invoice referencing functions